"The eleven disciples made their way to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had summoned them…Jesus came forward and addressed them in these words… “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations...Teach them to carry out everything I have commanded you.”
This mandate was meant for the disciples and each one of us. In Baptism we became missionaries. Through our prayer and concern for the poor, for those who do not know Christ and our financial support we are privileged to continue the mission of Jesus.
Please consider including the Society for the Propagation of the Faith in your Will/ Trust. (A qualified attorney can assist you in preparing it.) Your legacy will live on and on, and YOUR LIFE WILL TOUCH THE WORLD FOR MANY GENERATIONS!
To help the Church in the missions, gifts should be designated for:
The Society for the Propagation of the Faith, Archdiocese of New York
1011 First Avenue
New York, NY 10022
(212) 371-1000 ext. 2700
email: propagation@archny.org
"I attest that legacies, gifts, estates and bequests left to the Propagation of the Faith will be used entirely for the missionary work of the Catholic Church in areas of great need. Donors and their intentions remain in the prayers of the missionaries the world over. I sincerely thank you on behalf of the Church’s missionaries and the people they serve.”
Heir to the Apostles and called to continue their mandate to bear witness to Christ and preach the Gospel "to the ends of the Earth" Acts 1:8, the church is "missionary" by nature. The Second Vatican Council notes this in the Decree of the Church's Missionary Activity (Ad Gentes) "the Church on earth is by its very nature missionary since, according to the plan of the Father, it has its origin in the mission of the Son and the Holy Spirit."
For this reality it is clear that the Church can never deviate from the basic task entrusted to her, that of proclaiming the Gospel to all nations.
Through faith and baptism, each of Christ's followers is incorporated as a living member in the Church and has an active part in her mission of salvation.
In Chapter 7 of the encyclical Redemptoris Missio, the pope presents various forms of missionary cooperation. "Among these forms are prayer, sacrifice and witness of Christian life and providing for the material and financial needs of the missions."